Expressive Power

It’s the eternal problem of a DSL intended for a limited purpose: such a language then gets more and more features, to gain more and more expressive power, until finally the language is fully generic and any computable function can be expressed in it.

“In a heart beat, you’re Turing complete!” – Felienne Hermans

Not by design but by accident, GCL is actually one of those Turing complete languages. It wasn’t the intention, but because of the abstractive power of tuples, lazy evaluation and recursion, GCL actually maps pretty closely onto the Lambda Calculus, and is therefore also Turing complete.

Having said that, you should definitely not feel encouraged to (ab)use the Turing completeness to do calculations inside your model. That is emphatically not what GCL was intended for. This section is more of an intellectual curiosity, and should be treated as such.

Tuples are functions

Tuples map very nicely onto functions; they can have any number of input and output parameters. Of course, all of this is convention. But you can see how this would work as I define the mother of all recursive functions, the Fibonacci function:

fib = {
    n1 = n - 1;
    n2 = n - 2;
    value = if n == 0 then 0
       else if n == 1 then 1
       else (fib { n = n1 }).value + (fib { n = n2 }).value;

fib8 = (fib { n = 8 }).value;

And then:

$ gcl-print fib.gcl fib8


Hooray! Arbitrary computation through recursion!

A more elaborate example

Any time you need a particular function, you can inject it from Python, or you could just write it directly in GCL. Need string.join? Got you covered:

string_join = {
    i = 0;            # Hey, they're default arguments!
    sep = ' ';

    next_i = i + 1;
    suffix = (string_join { inherit list sep; i = next_i }).value;
    my_sep = if i > 0 then sep else '';
    value = if has(list, i) then my_sep + list(i) + suffix else '';

praise = (string_join { list = ['Alonzo','would','be','proud']; }).value;

We make use of the lazy evaluation property here to achieve readability by giving names to subparts of the computation: the key suffix actually only makes sense if we’re not at the end of the list yet, but we can give that calculation a name anyway. The expression will only be evaluated when we pass the has(list, i) test.

Multi-way relations

Because all keys are lazily evaluated and can be overridden, we can also encode relationships between input and output parameters in both directions. The caller of our relation tuple can then determine which value they need. For example:

Pythagoras = {
    a = sqrt(c * c - b * b);
    b = sqrt(c * c - a * a);
    c = sqrt(a * a + b * b);

Right now we have a complete relationship between all values. Obviously, we can’t evaluate any field because that will yield an infinite recursion. But we can supply any two values to calculate the remaining one:

(Pythagoras { a = 3; b = 4}).c    # 5

(Pythagoras { a = 5; c = 13}).b   # 12

Inner tuples are closures

Just as tuples correspond to functions, nested tuples correspond to closures, as they have a reference to the parent tuple at the moment it was evaluated.

For example, we can make a partially-applied tuple represents the capability of returning elements from a matrix:

Matrix = {

    getter = {
        x; y;
        value = matrix y x;

PrintSquare = {
    range = [0, 1, 2];

    value = [[ (getter { inherit x y }).value for x in range] for y in range];

my_matrix = Matrix {
    matrix = [
        [8, 6, 12, 11, -3],
        [20, 6, 8, 7, 7],
        [9, 83, 8, 8, 30],
        [3, 1, 20, -1, 21]

top_left = (PrintSquare { getter = my_matrix.getter }).value;

Let’s do something silly

Let’s do something very useless: let’s implement the Game of Life in GCL using the techniques we’ve seen so far!

Our GCL file is going to load the current state of a board from a file and compute the next state of the board–after applying all the GoL rules–into some output variable. If we then use a simple bash script to pipe that output back into the input file, we can repeatedly invoke GCL to get some animation going!

We’ll make use of the fact that we can include JSON files directly, and that we can use gcl2json to write some key back to JSON again.

Let’s represent the board as an array of strings. That’ll print nicely, which is convenient because we don’t have to invest a lot of effort into rendering. For example:


First we’ll make a function to make ranges to iterate over.

# (range { n = 5 }).value == [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
range = {
    n; i = 0;

    next_i = i + 1;
    value = if i < n then [i] + (range { i = next_i; inherit n }).value else [];

Then we need a function to determine liveness. We’ll expect a list of chars, either ‘x’ or ‘.’, and output another char.

# (liveness { me = 'x'; neighbours = ['x', 'x', 'x', '.', '.', '.'] }).next == 'x'
liveness = {
    me; neighbours;

    alive_neighbours = sum([1 for n in neighbours if n == 'x']);
    alive = (me == 'x' and 2 <= alive_neighbours and alive_neighbours <= 3)
        or (me == '.' and alive_neighbours == 3);
    next = if alive then 'x' else '.';

On to the real meat! Let’s find the neighbours of a cell given some coordinates:

find_neighbours = {
    board; i; j;
    cells = [
        cell { x = i - 1; y = j - 1 },
        cell { x = i;     y = j - 1 },
        cell { x = i + 1; y = j - 1 },
        cell { x = i - 1; y = j     },
        cell { x = i + 1; y = j     },
        cell { x = i - 1; y = j + 1 },
        cell { x = i;     y = j + 1 },
        cell { x = i + 1; y = j + 1 }

    chars = [c.char for c in cells];

    # Helper function for accessing cells
    cell = {
        x; y;

        H = len board;
        my_y = ((H + y) % H);
        W = len (board my_y);
        char = board (my_y) ((W + x) % W);

Now we can simply calculate the next state of the board given an input board:

next_board = {

    rows = (range { n = len board }).value;
    value = [(row { inherit j }).value for j in rows];

    row = {

        cols = (range { n = len board(j) }).value;
        chars = [(cell { inherit i }).value for i in cols];
        value = join(chars, '');

        cell = {
            neighbours = (find_neighbours { inherit board i j }).chars;
            me = board j i;
            value = (liveness { inherit me neighbours }).next;

We’ve got everything! Now it’s just a matter of tying the input and output together:

input = {
    board = include 'board.json';

output = {
    board = (next_board { board = input.board }).value;

That’s it! We’ve got everything we need! Test whether everything is working by running:

$ gcl2json -r output.board game_of_life.gcl output.board

That should show the following:


Hooray, it works!

For kicks and giggles, we can turn this into an animation by using watch, which will run the same command over and over again and show its output:

$ watch -n 0 'gcl2json -r output.board game_of_life.gcl output.board | tee board2.json; mv board2.json board.json'

Fun, eh? :)