Command Line Tools


While editing GCL model files, it’s helpful to look at the results of evaluating that model. gcl-print can evaluate and print a (subset of) a model.

$ gcl-print python.gcl

+- blue              => '#0000ff'
+- knight
|  +- armor          => 'chain_mail'
+- lancelot
|  +- armor          => 'chain_mail'
|  +- favorite_color => '#0000ff'
|  +- helmet         => <python.gcl:10: while evaluating 'armor' in '    helmet = armor;', Unbound variable: 'armor'>

gcl-print accepts GPath selectors.


GCL can be used as a preprocessor for a complicated JSON model, which can then be processed using more standard tools. gcl2json loads GCL model and spits it out in JSON format.

$ gcl2json python.gcl

{"blue": "#0000ff", "knight": {"armor": "chain_mail"}, "lancelot": {"armor": "chain_mail", "favorite_color": "#0000ff"}}

gcl2json accepts GPath selectors.