Why should I care about GCL?

I’d like to take you through the design motivations of GCL as a configuration language. In particular, I’m going to show what the advantages are compared to writing JSON by hand.

A gentle note of warning

The goal of GCL is to reduce repetition in a complex JSON configuration. However, in trying to tame that complexity, we have had to introduce some syntactical and cognitive overhead. This means that if your config is tiny, the fancy features of GCL may not be a win in your particular situation. Of course, you can still just use it as a less-noisy, more friendly-to-type JSON variant :).

Whither JSON?

First off, why are we competing with JSON? JSON is not a configuration format. It’s a data serialization format. It exists so computer programs can exchange structured information in an unambiguous way.

However, it has a couple of things going for it, that make it a popular choice for configuration files:

  • JSON has been popularized by the web, so there are libraries to parse and produce it in virtually every language.
  • It directly maps to an arbitrarily complex in-memory data structure. Lists, dicts and scalars are enough to make any type of data structure representation you want, in a more compact way than, say, INI files.

The advantages that JSON has are ubiquity and sufficient expressive power. Not necessarily great expressive power, but enough to get by.

In this document, I’ll hope to sell you on the fact that GCL is equally good, or better. (Supposing availability in your environment, obviously, which right now means Python and some shell tools)


As noted before, JSON is a serialization format. Is has not necessarily been specced to be convenient to write and maintain by people.

Visual noise and pinky stress

First off, the symbols. GCL does away with a bunch of the visual noise and the shifted characters you have to type:

    "key": "value",
    "other": "value"


    key = 'value';
    other = 'value';

Looks very similar, right? The differences are:

  • No quotes " around the keys. Fewer characters to type.
  • ' and " are both allowed to quote strings, but the ' doesn’t require holding the shift key.
  • = is used to separate value from key instead of : (again, no shift key required).
  • ; is used to separate fields instead of a ,. There’s no difference in keystrokes, but note that the , is not allowed after the last line in JSON, whereas it is allowed (but optional) in GCL. This makes it less likely that you introduce a syntax error while adding or reordering lines.

These tiny differences add up to make GCL more comfortable to write. At least, I’ve noticed a lot less stress on my pinkies :). And because there’s less visual noise on the quoted keys, it’s easier to read as well (especially given the syntax highlighting you can find at vim-gcl).


In a complex configuration, you’re more likely that not wanting to add comments telling the people after you why things are the way they are. JSON has not been designed for this, and there is no way to add comments to your JSON configuration file.

There are some hacks, such as adding a comment field to your dictionary, which will then be ignored by the processing script:

    "machines": 500,
    "access_rights": "pedro",
    "comment": "As many machines as we have data shards. Pedro is the guy running the analysis." 

In contrast, GCL supports actual comments in the file:

    machines = 500;           # We have this many shards
    access_rights = 'pedro';  # In charge of the analysis

GCL Extensions

At this point, you can already use GCL as a more readable JSON. All the same value types are afforded: dictionaries, lists, strings, numbers and booleans. As a bonus, the files are slightly easier to write.

However, GCL also affords some abstraction capabilities that make it more expressive than just JSON:


If you have a very large configuration file, you may want to split it up. Includes give you this ability:

frontend = include 'frontend.gcl';

The included file will always be resolved relative to the file the include is being done from, so you don’t have to worry about the script’s working directory.


In GCL it’s possible to use expressions anywhere a value can appear. So you can do something like:

cores_per_machine = 4;  # This is true for all our machines

task = {
    jobs = 100;
    machines = jobs / cores_per_machine;

As you can see, it’s possible to refer to keys OUTSIDE of the current scope as well. You can also use this to build strings:

region = 'us-east-1';

photo_bucket = { name = region + '-photos' };
mail_bucket = { name = region + '-mails' };

Or, slightly nicer to read, use the fmt() function to replace {placeholders} inside your strings with the values of keys from the current environment:

region = 'us-east-1';

photo_bucket = {
    name = fmt('{region}-photos');
mail_bucket = {
    name = fmt '{region}-mails';  # You can leave out the ()

For functions of 1 argument, you can leave out the parentheses for even less visual noise.

Tuple composition

The big distinguishing feature of GCL, however, is tuple composition. If you put 2 (or more) tuples next to each other, they will be merged together to form one tuple. We also call this mixing in a tuple. For example:

{ a = 1 } { b = 2 }

Yields a combined tuple of { a = 1; b = 2 }. Of course, by itself this is not very interesting. The neat thing is that you can override values in a tuple while composing, AND by giving names to tuples, you can make easily-recognizable abstractions. Returning to our earlier example of task:

cores_per_machine = 4;
# By convention, we use capitalized names for 'reusable' tuples
Task = { 
    jobs = 1;       # Default
    machines = jobs / cores_per_machine;
small_task = Task {
    jobs = 100;     # Overridden value
large_task = Task {
    jobs = 4000;    # Overridden value

Afterwards, small_task.machines is 25, and large_task.machines is 1000. As you can see, the calculation for machines is inherited from Task each time, evaluated with their own value for jobs.

In the previous example, we had a default value for Task.jobs, which could be overridden (or not). It’s also possible to not give any value for keys we’re going to use in an expression, to force the users to fill it in:

Bucket = {
    name = region + '-' + id;

# Set 'id', get 'name' for free!
photo_bucket = Bucket { id = 'photos' };
mail_bucket = Bucket { id = 'mails' };

# We can still just set 'name' to bypass the the logic
music_bucket = Bucket { name = 'cool-music' };

In this case, we encoded the fact that a bucket name always consists of the region and some other identifier in the Bucket tuple. We added another field to fill in the part of the name that changes, and set that when we mix in the tuple.

Interesting note: actually, the syntax for tuple composition is exactly the same as for function application! You might also put parentheses around the second tuple, as an argument. However, the space-separation looks cleaner, don’t you think?
In fact, if you squint really hard at it, you might also consider that a tuple is a function like in normal programming languages. The declared keys without values are its parameters, keys with values are parameters with default arguments, and a composited tuple is the result of evaluating the function against a set of arguments.

Principle: don’t repeat yourself!

The guiding principle behind all of these mechanisms is simple, and it’s ancient: Don’t Repeat Yourself!

Every piece of policy, every (changeable) decision, should exist in only once place. That has two advantages:

  • If the rule ever needs to change, it’s easy to do it in one place! If your naming scheme ever changes from {region}-{id} to {component}-{region}-{id}, you only need to make that change in one place, instead of search-replace through a bunch of files.
  • Deviations from the norm stand out more. If every Bucket uses the id = '...' mechanism to have their name derived, except one because its name needs to follow a different scheme, you can tell at a glance that a particular bucket is different from the rest and you need to pay more attention. Ideally, that would be preceded by a comment line telling you WHY it’s different :).

Rule: you can always tell where a variable is coming from

I want to highlight this design decision, as it leads to a trade-off that trades some (visible) verbosity for future (not-so-visible) safety. I want to highlight it because, while you’re writing some magic incantation, you may be tempted to curse my name for the extra effort you have to put in. Rest assured, there is a reason for this.

The rule is that you always want to be able to decide what key you are referring to in an expression from looking at a piece of code. No client using your tuple should be able to change the meaning of any of the keys without you being aware beforehand.

Let me illustrate with a (silly) example involving 2 files:

# tasklib.gcl

cpm = 4;  # Cores per machine

Task = {
    jobs = 1;
    machines = jobs / cpm;
# tasks.gcl

lib = include 'tasklib.gcl';

ad_task = lib.Task {
    ads = 100000;
    jobs = ads;
    cpm = 0.01;  # Cost per mille
    total_cost = cpm * (ads / 1000);

You may see the problem already; in the instantiation of Task.machines, what should the expression cpm refer to? You would expect it to refer to the key cpm from its global scope, which has a defined meaning. But all of a sudden, someone else mixed in a key that’s also called cpm! If we were to use the simple rule that we would take the key from the innermost tuple that has it, we would be referring to the ‘costs per mille’ value instead of the ‘cores per machine’ value that we intended to.

What’s more, we wouldn’t be able to tell by looking at any of the pieces of config in isolation that this could happen! And all clients would have to be aware of all variables that exist in the enclosing scopes of a tuple, because it cannot use the same names for any of its variables! That would lead to some very annoying debugging sessions.

So instead, we have the rule that names in expressions will only bind to keys that are actually visible in the code from the point of view of the expression (either in the tuple itself or one of the enclosing tuples). New keys that are mixed in later on will be ignored.

This means, slightly annoyingly but very safe, that you have to declare all keys you’re going to be expecting or using from your ‘sibling’ tuples.

So you’ve already seen this pattern, a reusable tuple expecting a parameter:

Lyric = {
    phrase = fmt "There's a {object} in my bucket";

first = Lyric { object = 'hole' };

But mixing goes both ways, if a reusable tuple defines some subtuple that a specialization might want to use:

Lyric = {
    phrases = {
        complaint = fmt "There's a {object} in my bucket";
        salutation = 'Dear Liza';

first = Lyric {
    object = 'hole';
    song = fmt '{phrases.complaint}, {phrases.salutation}, {phrases.salutation}, {phrases.salutation}';
    formal_letter = fmt '{phrases.salutation}, {phrases.complaint}. Regards, Henry.';

In this case, the right-hand tuple of first had to declare phrases as a value-less key to bring it into scope, so that it can refer to it in expressions. Without this declaration, it wouldn’t know to get the value of phrases from a tuple that’s mixed-in on the side, but would have to go and look for it in an enclosing scope (where no such key exists).

Influences on script interpreting GCL models

GCL affords a lot of expressivity, allowing to you keep config files textually simple, while (in essence) “generating” big flat objects when all of the abstractions are evaluated away.

This has an influence on the scripts that you write to parse your config. Since you can a do bunch of stuff in GCL, the script doesn’t have to implement mechanisms to keep configs maintainble by humans.

  • For example, to have both generic configs with “template holes” and then a separate set of values that fill the holes with string substitution.
  • Also, the script writer doesn’t need to think of what would be useful abstractions (as the config writer can notice them while writing the config, and abstract them out immediately);
  • And the script writer doesn’t need to invent additional mechanisms to override the default abstractions when users inevitably run into a situation that doesn’t fit the mold.

Instead, the script will typically operate on arrays of big fat, flat objects that have every value needed directly available in the dictionary to do whatever it is the script needs doing. This makes writing the script at lot easier.

As an example of something else the script writer doesn’t have to deal with: GCL contain a tool called gcl-print to print an exploded config file. Helpful to config writers.

The flip side of the possible complexity is that GCL configs are actually code, and should be treated as such [^1]. That means that naming and documenting all the convenient “abstractions” are just as important in the config as they would be in regular code.

A schema language, to assist with this, will be forthcoming soon. Good ideas are very welcome!

[^1]: But then again, I’m of the opinion that ALL config should be treated as part of code. JSON files and INI files have just as much of an implicit contract with their interpreting script as GCL, which should be documented just as well.